Battle Knights will be our first full length game. Battle Knights is a retro style 2D game in which the player must go through the six realms and defeat each knight that leads their respective realm in order to unite the land.
Battle Knights contains a story mode that consists of six realms that the player must clear in order to beat the game. The realms area playable in any order the player wishes, with a boss being unlocked after the completion of each realm.
Story mode can also be played cooperatively. All realms feature a challenge level. Once completed, a new stage will be unlocked for versus mode. Completing the story mode will unlock new bonus game types.
Battle Knights also contains a versus component containing 14 stages that can be played with up to six players locally. 6 stages are unlocked at the start of the game, with 8 being unlockable. The players play as the knights of the colored realms. Versus Mode can be played in any team combination (2v2, 3v3, 2v2v2, etc) or free for all. Knights of the same color are automatically placed on the same team. This means that to play a free for all match, all players must select differing knight colors.
Unlike Story Mode, Versus Mode has items that drop and give the player a temporary ability. The frequency at which the items drop can be changed or removed completely if the players are wanting a more skill-based match.
The Primordial soup of the world, Aquas is where all life spawned. Here, Jellies are in abundance and frogs find shelter. Ruled by the Blue Knight Wonder under an equitable council. The air is clean and crisp, as is the water. Aquas is the most hospitable of the realms, often being quite alluring to travelling knights and creatures.
Teeming with sulfuric mountain ranges, charred vegetation, and blistering lava; Cinder is the antithesis of Aquas. Only the toughest beings can survive here under such conditions. It is then, that the testament of Anger’s rule here should be a warning to would-be invaders.
People often ask how survival is possible in the harsh wastes. Dune is home to more knights of willpower than any other realm. It should come as no surprise either, a quick venture into the blazing heat will have even the most rugged traveler at their limit. It is in these circumstances that only the strongest survive, and through generations, have bred some of the most powerful knights in the realms.
Viridia is an ancient realm, home to many creatures. Some say the forest is as old as the world itself. No one knows how the supernatural characteristics came about, however, one thing is for sure…. he who is able to command the forest and its magics can have immense power.
It is a common opinion that Aurora is the most pristine realm in the land. Unfortunately, the same sentiment is not shared about its hospitality. With scarce food supplies and bone chilling wind, only the most astute and disciplined can survive here. Patience and discipline, this is the mantra of the white knights, with some even claiming their fighting style is almost “beautiful”.
“The Blackest of Black, Utter Darkness, The Dark Abysm” These are some statements across the realms used to describe Nocturne. Incredulous, all consuming darkness. Only the most hollow souls lurk in Nocturne, and some even go as far to question Power’s humanity, claiming he is a wraith or ghost. No one knows for sure, but when you feel the darkness of Nocturne clutch you, then it is too late….
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